Logo Der LaufLaden - Axel Reusch (Allgäu Verical)

5. Allgäu Vertical | be crazy! be different! go vertical!
on 10. February 2018

start list for "Allgäu Vertical"
Allgäu Vertical start 6:00 pm
3,7 km | 591 Hm
2 Kategorien:
Ski (Tourenski/Skimo oder Langlaufski/Skicross) oder
Schuh (Laufschuhe, Bergschuhe, Spikes, Schneeschuhe etc.).

until December 31th 2017 20,00 €
until February 07th 2018 25,00 €
until February 09th 2018 30,00 €
registration deadline 09.02.2018 23:59 Uhr - Late registration is possible on site 30,00 €
Event Information
list of participants
Start list (you can sort the list, if you click on the small arrow behind the headline)